

Samyang will develop autofocus lenses too!: - Last year we reported that Samyang will make... dlvr.it/4xqfv0 @SonyAlphaRumors

posted at 18:33:06

Fuji X-T1 Field Test with Nick Devlin: Great video to watch!!! dlvr.it/4xpMxG @mirrorlessrumor

posted at 17:42:29

20140216のまとめ http://ift.tt/1dCnGCA

posted at 17:00:10

KOWAが3本のマイクロフォーサーズ用の交換レンズを発表(デジカメinfo): Kowa が「8.5mm F2.8 MFT」「12mm F1.8 MFT」「25mm F1.8... dlvr.it/4xkpgf

posted at 13:03:03

シグマdp Quattroは低感度の画質では最強のカメラ(デジカメinfo): dpreview に、シグマの山木和人社長のインタビューが掲載されています。 dlvr.it/4xk9gj

posted at 12:03:03

Slrgear tests the 35mm FE: “Another triumph of sharpness for Sony”.: SLRgear tested the Zeiss... dlvr.it/4xdcqy @SonyAlphaRumors

posted at 05:30:06

Horseman announces new large format accessory for the Sony A7r!: DC.watch (translation here)... dlvr.it/4xdcq8 @SonyAlphaRumors

posted at 05:30:05

from 妄想エクスポウジア(@fantasyexposure) - Twilog http://ift.tt/1cPx7uo


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