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Samsung NX1 goes to Madagascar (and Samung profits goes down).

Samsung published that great NX1 4K video shot in Madagascar. Looks great and definitely much better than their current financial results :)

Reuters reports:

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd is heading for its first annual earnings drop since 2011 after it revealed its July-September profit would be the lowest in more than three years and said short-term prospects for smartphones were uncertain.

Until now Samsung seemed to be "Immune" to the crisis and unlike many Japanese competitor it was doing well in the smartphone market (not so in the camera market). Hopefully Samsung will recover soon as Panasonic did (and not end like Sony!).

One more thing: Can You Spot the Samsung NX1 Pre-Production Model's Sample Photos? Check out at Digitalversus!

from Mirrorless Rumors http://ift.tt/1vOXJG9



New TFD "Foveon alike" sensor has 36 layers!

Spanish researcher from the University of Granada announced a new kind of sensor having 36 different colored layers(!). It works just like the Sigma Foveon sensor but Sigma uses only three layers (Red-Green-Blue) aligned vertically one below the other. The current Sigma and Bayer sensors only extracts information from one of these three colours (RGB) in each pixel within the image. To extract the information from the rest of colours in each pixel, it is necessary to apply algorithms which in most cases are among manufacturers’ best-kept secrets.

The new 36 layer sensor named "Transverse Field Detectors (TFD)" can obtain up to twelve times more color information than the human eye!

According to the PI in this group, Miguel Ángel Martínez Domingo:

“the new sensors developed at the Polytechnic University of Milan are called Transverse Field Detectors (TFD) and they are capable of extracting the full colour information from each pixel in the image without the need for a layer of colour filter on them.

In order to do so, they take advantage of a physical phenomenon by virtue of which each photon penetrates at a different depth depending on its wavelength, i.e., its colour. In this way, by collecting these photons at different depths on the silice surface of the sensor, the different channels of colour can be separated without the necessity of filters.”

There is yet no info about when these kind of sensor will make it into a real mass production camera.

More info about the sensor at Opticsinfobase.org and Canal.

from Mirrorless Rumors http://ift.tt/1qhkcHd


Olympus 40-150mm F2.8 vs. Panasonic 35-100mm F2.8 Shootout (and test roundup)

TheCameraStoreTV posted that great Olympus 40-150mm vs Panasonic 35-100mm lens shootout! Which one is the best? Just watch the video to see it!

And here are more test of the new 40-150mm PRO lens:

Sample Gallery at Cameras.Reviewed.

Review by Robin Wong.

Preview by BMCR.

Great image samples at Pen3.de.

from Mirrorless Rumors http://ift.tt/1scHYKj





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LOL: Canon counter is at zero and nothing happened.

If true this could be one of the biggest fail in marketing ever! Canon big teaser counter is at zero and nothing happened at all! Strange, they made this site, paid a page on the New York Times to advertise is and than....nothing???

from Mirrorless Rumors http://ift.tt/1uUBUbp